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1페이지 내용 : Things Newcomers Need to Know to Live in Korea Things Newcomers Need to Know to Live in Korea Things Newcomers Need to Know to Live inKorea

2페이지 내용 : 한눈에 보는 한국 한국 지역과 도시 이야기로 듣는 한국역사 한국의 생활문화 01 _ 가족문화 02 _ 가족 행사 03 _ 명절 04 _ 결혼식 05 _ 장례와 제사 06 _ 일반예절 07 _ 언어예절 08 _ 식사예절 09 _ 음식문화 10 _ 주거문화 일상생활 적응하기 11 _ 집 구하기 12 _ 집안 시설 이용법 13 _ 방송•통신 이용법 14 _ 생활쓰레기 처리 15 _ 경제생활 16 _ 물건을 살 수 있는 곳 17 _ 은행 이용하기 18 _ 교통수단 19 _ 운전면허 20 _ 공공기관 이용 21 _ 편의시설 22 _ 의료시설 23 _ 건강보험제도 24 _ 교육제도 25 _ 외국인 교육 26 _ 한국어, 생활교육 27 _ 문화시설 28 _ 취업 29 _ 직업훈련 부록 1 _ 외국인이 알아두어야 할 법률 2 _ 외국인을 위한 서비스 기관 차례 010 014 016 024 026 028 032 034 036 038 042 044 048 052 054 056 060 062 064 068 072 080 082 086 088 090 092 094 096 100 102 106 108 114 The Republic Of Korea is a small country on the far eastern edge of Asia. Although it ranks 109th in the world in terms of land area, the country is a center of economic activities, culture and arts in Asia. Korea was colonized by Japan in the early 20th century and later had to endure the Korean War 1950-53 , but it has achieved amazing economic growth in a short period, dubbed “the Miracle on the Han River.” Today, Korea is an industrial nation standing tall on the world stage. Its semi-conductor, automobile, shipbuilding, steel making and IT industries have a leading edge in world markets. It hosted the 1988 Seoul Olympics and the 2002 Korea-Japan FIFA World Cup. More recently, Korean dramas, movies and music are attracting many audiences in Asian countries, creating what is being called the “Korean Wave.” Korea’s new standing in the international community was highlighted in 2010 with the nation becoming the frst Asian country to chair the G20 and host the G20 SeoulSummit.

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